Sunday, May 28, 2006


The Route???

I have 6 days left in Beijing. This afternoon I will be braving the throngs at the Beijing Train Station to get my grubby paws on an overnight hard sleeper ticket to Shanghai. From Shanghai, I will be taking a 46 hour train trip to Yunnan. For there I will be travelling south to Thailand. I think that I shall fly. I think that I am going to not go to India (it is freaking hot there at this time of year and incredibly rainy.) I think that I'd prefer to hang out in Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and Malaysia (truly Asia). There are more backpackers in that part of the world and therefore more fun, interesting people to meet. I kind of want to take it slow so I can read, write and drink.

Currently, I am sitting in an internet cafe near my hotel. Whiny Chinese love songs are playing in the background. Yesterday, I went for a walk in the park with some friends. We saw the best sign ever, "flowers and trees are living things, please love them." True dat! I'm tired today. Jimen Hotel apparently has a bit of a reputation for being seedy. I was phoned twice in the middle of the night to ask if my roommate and I wanted "massageee." Then my roommate came stumbling in piss drunk and decided that it would be funny to wake me up. He he! Very funny!

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